Thursday, October 9, 2008

It is not known if it is known - Не се знае, знае ли се plus more Bulgarian sayings

Aug 11th to October 6th
funny as hell

Emilian 2:45pm on October 6th, 2008
Сигурно ги знаете тези де, но хайде:

I've made myself very much. - Много съм се направил.

Drunk on a MATTOCK. - Пиян на мотика.

He hid my pulley. - Скри ми шайбата.

It came through my nose. - Излезе ми през носа.

It doesn't f**k me. - Не ме е*е.

Don't entertain me with foolishnesses. - Не ме занимавай с глупости.

Dilyan at 10:53am on October 1st, 2008
Ох! жива да не бях.
Oh! alive not to be me.

Hristo at 6:32am on September 30th, 2008
Сговорна дружина планина повдига - A united team displaces mountain ranges! :D
Ма по-доброто е - сговорна дружина - сам пада в него :D Което е за друга група обаче :D

Ivo at 10:21am on September 28th, 2008
“Хубавите ябълки” – свинете ги ядат.
= “Delicious apples” – pigs eat them.

Nicola at 1:18pm on September 26th, 2008
Vse Mara vtasalata - All the Mara fermentaded

Stefan at 5:18pm on September 23rd, 2008
Боли ме фара
It hurts my lighthouse

Dimitrina at 10:25am on September 20th, 2008
It is not known if it is known - Не се знае, знае ли се
According to the depend on - Според зависи
Chop the salad even more fine - Сецкай салатата хем по-ситничко

Georgi at 6:51pm on September 13th, 2008
Penke le, the city is under construction

Petya at 6:02pm on September 11th, 2008
dano ne se povtariam, no istoriata mi e razkazana uzh kato istinska ot svidetel :))))
v edno ot onezi kichozni magazincheta na borovec amerikanka se zastoiava dosta dulgo,
no razglezhda, bez izgledi da kupuva...prodavachut - ochevidno samokovski 'kompir' -
i kazva na 'chist' angliiski - if u buy, buy...if you don't buy...bye-bye.....
ako shte kupuvash - kupuvai, ako ne - izmitai se :)))))))))))

Assya at 3:20pm on September 9th, 2008
Let the hens shit on you = Да те посерат кокошките

Dilyan at 8:12am on September 4th, 2008
big bite bite,
big word don't say

Kameliya at 12:50pm on August 17th, 2008
И от мен малко, дано не се повторя....
Early awaken chicken early sings - Рано пиле, рано пее
Either the camel, either the camel driver - Я камилата, я камиларя
Fast bitch, blind bears - Бързата кучка слепи ги ражда
From me to pass - От мен да мине
Gross yokel's behaviour - Груба селска проява
Hat on stick Шапка на тояга
He tied a can on me - Върза ми тенекия
Here you are, bride, the day of Spas - Те ти булка Спасовден
His mother old! Майка му стара!
Hope on, Peno - Надай се, Пено
Hungry bear does not play boogie-boogie - Гладна мечка хоро не играе
I'll light your butter - Ще ти светя маслото
If you had been sitting calm, you wouldn't have seen miracle - Да би мирно седяло,не би чудо видяло

Mart at 7:31am on August 15th, 2008
and she happens one - и тя стана една
straight ahead we killed the fish - направо убихме рибата

Dilyan at 7:12pm on August 11th, 2008
Sleepy am I so two can't see =>
Spi mi se ta dve ne vizhdam
I'm so tired that two I can't see =>
Tolkova sum izmoren che dve ne vizhdam

ROBOCOP is ARMATUREFENDI and other wisdoms

this entry covers the priod july 24th aug 5th

Dilyan at 3:33pm on August 5th, 2008

Sofia's sayings as heard in Woodstock
Sofiiski lafove chuti v Durvenica

What are you looking at me as an escaped
k'vo me gledash kato izturvan (ot ludnicata)

Are you not 100 kgs, be!
ti da ne si sto kila, be!

What are you walking as if entire Sofia owes you 2lv
kvo hodish taka, kato che li cela Sofia imat da ti dava po 2 lv.

Is your father a window maker
bashta tio da ne e djamjia
(tova e hint - kazva se kogato nekoi ti prechi na gledkata )

Misho at 2:52pm on August 1st, 2008
Heiliges Wasser ungetrunken... (unbesoffen?)

Познайте кой си е забравил всичкия немски...

Dilyan at 4:14pm on August 1st, 2008
Misho, kato pochna da prikazvash na nemcuzoiski ezik,
me inspiriara da citiram moia priatel Toni s negovoto
signature "Daine Großmutter tr'nkishen"
translated in BG as Babinata ti tr'nkina ;)

Denitsa at 6:10am on July 31st, 2008
How do you drive her? - kak q karash?

Dilyan at 12:22pm on July 28th, 2008
Killer Wafer Moreni - Морени Bафла Tрепач

Daniela at 11:24am on July 28th, 2008
In the circle of the joke - В кръга на шегата :D

Mariya at 10:31am on July 28th, 2008
By the way, this group is straight cruel =D

It's a bean's job!
Fasulska rabota!

Lubo at 9:50am on July 28th, 2008
on it's mother maina si raina

Irina at 7:04pm on July 27th, 2008
forfished - zariben :)

Misho at 7:35am on July 23rd, 2008
Rain rains, sun shines, bear is getting married.

Georgi at 1:40pm on July 22nd, 2008
Would you like to take a poop, mouse! - 6ta nasera be, mi6ka!

Fanny at 5:22pm on July 21st, 2008
AAXaxxaxa e ne,tva e nai velikata grupa!!

Dilyan at 12:12pm on July 8th, 2008
ot vicovete v -- 8mi July
Кратък курс по "турски" език:
1. Алпинист - Баирбабаитин.
2. Прегоряло ястие - Язък чеверме.
3. Ченгето от Бевърли Хилс - Бевърлъ Баир Башполиц.
4. Мобифон - Гит-лаф машинасъ.
5. Черна дъска - Кара тараба.
6. Много шумно място - Бюлюк джангър вилает.

Dara at 12:37am on July 13th, 2008
Има и city-slicker вариант:
1. Алпинист - Баирбудала

Lubo at 6:01am on July 15th, 2008

Denyo at 9:02am on July 24th, 2008
Haha, това за арматуриста беше жестокооооо!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Voting experiment for chosing best one of four translation

T'va e prosto da vidim dali mozhe da se glasuva
ideata e v long run za vseki post da ima po edin takuv
'vote' option i eventualno nai-nakraia shte izberem
nai-the-best bulgarian pogovorka ;)
votiraite smelo

zasega samo 1 ot 4 no ponatatuka mozhe i na po 1o da gi pravim.
ako imate comments, feel free da gi postvate below

Vote for best 1 of 4 translation

tez pogovorki sa vzeti ot predishni postings eto tuk i tuk

Large horny cattle, From me to pass, Bake your brain! and more

Wisdoms originated and spreaded from the WHiR group.
this blog entry covers the time period 19 May - 1 July 2008.
Here we come, here we go!! Enjoy :)))

Desislava :
It will kill the fish = Ще избие рибата

Large horny cattle :P

"When the patten blossom" ("Когато цъфнат налъмите")!:)

White coins for black days - Бели пари за черни дни
From me to pass - Oт мен да мине
On bare ass (belly) a pair of pistols - На гол гъз (тумбак) чифте пищови

Bake your brain! = Опичай си акъла! :)

Едно яко, което съчини един колега :)
"чини ми се" - "It DESKS to me" :D

Веднъж шефката ми на една от бившите ми работи,
като говореше с един от по-близките фирмени партньори (англичанин)
по телефона, нещо тотално й писна oт него и почти изкрещя
"wait a second, be..." Това със сигурност подейства, главно "be-то",
кoeто беше подчертано... След което в офиса избухна бурен смях,
който сигурно съвсем е депресирал "бедния" англичанин :))))
Все пак, нека знае с кой си има работа :-)!!!

Хахаха... "Drive to go" направо ме разби (Thumb Up) :))))

Чичковите червенотиквеничковчета -
My uncle's little red pumpkin heads

As each day, leave the home, fingers of his left hand, izsahnala and distorted,
as were razpereni hangers on them visyaha keys to the car, tranzistorche, bag with bread.
It was deaf, no longer has long yadeshe nothing except a small milk morning and had no teeth.

Много успешен превод на Играчка-плачка от Валентина Плачкинова...

no comment :)

What are you to give me brain. Look at yourself - with yellow around the mouth.
When i have been doing these things you were walking still under the table ;)

staria maistor kum mladia maistor:
Kuv si ti da mi davash akul. Viz se be - s zhulto okolo ustata.
Az tia neshta katyo sum gi pravil, ti oshte prav pod masata si hodil.

TIGHTEN YOURSELF! + More translation wisdoms

proposed by Vessela on 25 may 2008:

За хората, които са дошли наскоро и си
превеждат от нашенски на местен ;)

Престанете да гледате през прозореца

Стегни се

не се обяснявай много много, а сядай да

Аман от теб, бе!

Ще те убия на място

Омитай си парцалите!

Карай да върви!

more lafs proposed by Vessela:
Гледай си работата, ако обичаш

Да-да, как не!

Да не съм вчерашен/вчерашна

Майка му стара!

Тя нашата се е видяла...

Я камилата, я камиларя

Стана тя каквато стана

Цъфнала, та вързала

Друго си е

Тя стана една - не ти е работа, мани, мани

Осъзнай се

Бай Борис

Бачо Илия

Кака Пенка

Сега ще те открехна

В кръга на шегата

Чувствам се горе-долу

На краставичар - краставици

Да си вдигаме чукалата

Friday, May 16, 2008

More Neighbourhoods and things from April 1 - May 12th, 2008

Ivo wrote at 9:42pm on May 12th, 2008
It doesn't pop me for you.
Ne mi puka za tebe!

Dobromira wrote at 1:14pm on May 9th, 2008

За радост на всички нас Google са пуснали и български<->английски превод.
Това може направо удави коня в реката :) Разбира се очаквам да го подобрят, но сегашния вариант пък бълва такива нешлифовани бисери...:)

Aneta wrote at 9:48am on May 9th, 2008
It's a lost cause trying to explain the brutal translations of our folklore to foreigners, but that was a nice try...
mejdu drugoto nyakoi slu4aino da znae kakav e 'nomera na kitaikata' - it beats me!!

Dara wrote at 5:37pm on May 7th, 2008
It's a proverb, it's not supposed to make sense ;)
I suppose horse + carriage + muddy river = you losing all the stuff in the carriage and spending hours trying to extricate

the horse from the muck => horse going into river instead of along road = bad.
The proper translation would be "things went awry" but hey - we don't do proper translations here :)

Scott wrote at 3:42pm on May 7th, 2008
For some strange reason. I really like Bulgarians and Polish people.
Although, I'm thinking it should come with a health warning, but much like smoking I still do it.

Now this horse and river business. It's madness. Unless you have very few horses in Bulgaria and a river next to a

psychiatric ward for dispossessed Jockeys. Having ridden a horse. And a horse through a river. I fail to see the problem.

They can be irritatingly daft animals at times who 'spook' at a plastic bag on a fence but I've never seen one jump off a

bridge... and when faced with water unlike cats (gonna have to make a bath and throw one in to test)... they swim just fine.

It's actually quite fun...

But this horse and river thing I don't get. Did it drown? Did it swim to the other-side and become a duck? People help me


Latchezar wrote at 12:39am on May 5th, 2008
Sigurno nyakoi ot tezi veche gi ima, ne sam proveryaval ot mnogo vreme, no vse pak, na vasheto vnimanie:
It gave firah. = Dade fira.
It caught dikish = Hvana/fana dikish.
With three hundred zors = S trista zora.
He/she's throwing me some fitils = Puska mi fitili.
He/she crushed the onion = Toy/tya sgazi luka.
Zabelezhete, che dumite ot tursko-arabski proizhod, kato chuzhdi kakto za balgarskiya, taka i za angliyskiya, ne se prevezhdat :-)

Dara wrote at 5:29pm on May 2nd, 2008
Za malko da zabravia. Anglichanite dokato iadat "пъпчив хуй" (spotted dick) da ne mi govoriat za smeshni imena na iastia

Dara wrote at 5:24pm on May 2nd, 2008
Ugh. "Burst Priest" e Imambaialdu. Na turski oznachava "imamut baialdisa (preiade)"
In other translation news, "Tanya Gold" must be British for "pulen idiot" (burst idiot?)
To quote Stewie Griffin: "Ha ha ha! Oh gosh that's funny! That's really funny! Do you write your own material? Do you, Tanya?

Because that is so fresh."

Dilyan wrote at 2:02pm on May 2nd, 2008
Abe, seriously, kakvo e tva iastie Burst Priest ?

...And the names are marvelous too - one dish of aubergines is called "Burst Priest"....
Ama to cialata statia si zasluzhava da se prochete ROFLl

Miroslav wrote at 10:25am on May 2nd, 2008
Xaxa, poznax gi. where my gum at? :-0

Dilyan wrote at 1:14pm on April 30th, 2008
more names Who is who?
*no hints ;)
Todo Lifer, Iron Jelly, George Firster, Ivan Boner, Stephan Capitalcity, Simon Sax, Sergo Standup; Todo Slaughter, Stone Miller, Glory Triffonius, .. ei tia poslednite koito gi poznae pecheli duvka


Miroslav wrote at 12:14am on April 28th, 2008
Haha, varxa. Dara i Dilyan: / politika/
bro Fight Wrestler-
Five Stayer-


Dilyan wrote at 10:15pm on April 24th, 2008
Count-out spell:
Ala-Balla, Turkish plate, our darn Ivan boy - yours little captain,.. who's out first - This one!!

Ala - bala - nica, turksa panica, nash gidi Vancho vash kapitancho,.. koi izleze purvi - Toz!!


Dilyan wrote at 9:57pm on April 24th, 2008
count-out for hide-and-seek:
..mail-bail, broken-nail fish-sturgeon, getaway-from-here

broenka za krienka:
..onche-bonche, schupeno-pironche, riba-shtuka, mahai-se-ottuka


Lubo wrote at 10:25am on April 19th, 2008

Dara wrote at 12:06pm on April 18th, 2008
Haha, Dilyane, mnogo hitro. Otne mi malko vreme da si gi preveda :)
Eto niakolko i ot men (poeti i pisateli):
Nick Painter -
Sugar Stay -
Lisa Colorful -
Sing Maple -
Pencho Nightingale -

Dilyan wrote at 10:47am on April 18th, 2008
Riddle: who are they ? hint: think *poetry*
Chris Fighter -
Ivan Potter -
Smoke Fatter -

Dara wrote at 3:41pm on April 17th, 2008
Neither crab nor sturgeon (ni rak ni stuka)

Yovelina wrote at 9:47am on April 15th, 2008
limp chicken - tomato
kuco pile-domat

Yovelina wrote at 9:46am on April 15th, 2008
its mother limp
maika mu nedygava

Dara wrote at 9:40am on April 15th, 2008
I malko New Yorkski kvartali naobratno:
Adska Kuhnia (Hell's Kitchen)
Zapadnite Pokrainini (West Village)
Zalivut na Kostenurkite (Turtle Bay)
Tsarichino (Queens)

Dara wrote at 9:32am on April 15th, 2008
Kvartalite naistina sa blagodatna pochva:
Swollen Trainstation (Гара Подуяне)
Upper Bath (Горна баня)
Malicious (Враждебна)
Modern Suburb (Модерно предградие)
The Fridge (Хладилника)
Princeton (Княжево)

Yovelina wrote at 9:26am on April 15th, 2008
remove remove run (mani mani begai)

Elissaveta wrote at 9:07am on April 15th, 2008
More on Sofia neighbourhoods:

Peel (Обеля)
Auschwitz (Лагера)
Willy Wonka's factory (Захарна фабрика)


Petar wrote at 5:50pm on April 13th, 2008
Ето и две от мен, доста очевидни, но ще дам после превода (хихи):
The tricky magpie with the two legs и Ass head erases.

(хитрата сврака с двата крака и гъз глава затрива)

Misho wrote at 4:21pm on April 11th, 2008
И на мен офисът ми е в Betula Pendula :) Hihihi!

Dara wrote at 2:04pm on April 11th, 2008
Hahaa, jiveia tochno do Betula Pendula, taka che poluchavam ritnik ot tvoia post (I'm getting a kick out of your post)

Dilyan wrote at 1:27pm on April 11th, 2008
Sofia's Neighborhoods:
Woodica (Durvenica)
Ironica (Zeleznica)
Simeon's (Simeonovo)
Governia (Vladaia)
Purplein Lilacin (Liulin)
Bath-shore (Banishora)
Frienship (Druzhba)
Youth (Mladost)
Red Meadow (Krasna Poliana)
White Birches (Belite brezi)
Betula pendula (Belite brezi) - latin
The Pan's River (Pancherevo)


Dara wrote at 12:31pm on April 11th, 2008
the Hoof (Kopitoto)
Visington (Vidin)
Grindtown (Melnik)
Whitening (Belene)
Old Burnshire (Stara Zagora)
Windberg (Vitosha)
Rose Hip (Shipka)
Laundryville (Pernik)
Blond-on-the-Danube (Ruse)
Toll Booth's Inn (Tolbuhin)

Elissaveta wrote at 11:16am on April 10th, 2008
WeeN (Плевен)
Thanks, Mish :)

Eatalot (Ямбол)
Yelled (Кресна)
Longsexville (Дългопол)

Misho wrote at 8:29am on April 10th, 2008
Cauldronbow (Казанлък)

/specially for Ellie/

Misho wrote at 8:21am on April 10th, 2008
Forehead Baking (Челопечене)
Great Thorntown (Велико Търново)
Hot Chili Ford (Лютиброд)
Jobvillage (Бачково)
Kingsville (Царево)
Letshavepiece (Айдемир)
Lower Bathroom (Долна Баня)
Upper Dicksville (Горно Уйно)
Marketplace (Пазарджик)
Medicineville (Церово)
Millstown (Мелник)
Noiseville (Шумен)
Plumstown (Сливен)
Plumsville (Сливница)
Ribplace (Реброво)
Run River (р. Тича)
Spilltown (Плиска)
Steam Boiler (Котел)
The Tower (Кулата)
Thorn (Трън)
Tradesville (Търговище)
Unlimited Village (Безмер)
White (Бяла)
Whitesoftsville (Белмекен)

и т.н.

Misho wrote at 8:21am on April 10th, 2008
Разни градове, села и паланки:

3 Build (Триград)
Alongthesea (Поморие)
Attheseaside (Приморско)
Angrydogsville (Злокучене)
Aprils (Априлци)
Assvile (Дупница)
Beans Valley (Бобов дол)
Wolf Valley (Вълчи дол)
Beastville (Зверино)
Beatsville (Бойчиновци)
Big Rumble (Големо Бучино)
Blackwellvillage (Карабунар)
Bonesfordville (Костинброд)
Captain Andrew's (Капитан Андреево)
Cave (Пещера)
Dunes (Дюни)
Favourite (Любимец)

Misho wrote at 8:02am on April 10th, 2008
Mery the Detailed (Мара подробната)
Don't mow yourself (Не се коси)
Facial support (Лицева опора)
To forfuck (Заебавам)
To fromfuck (Отебавам)

Nadya wrote at 11:44pm on April 8th, 2008
Sled 814 posts sam sigurna, che niakoi niakade veche go e napisal, no nie s moite priateli redovno upotrebiavame mejdu nas si:
"After the rain, hood" za "Sled dajd kachulka"

Mai tragna ot Miami Beach trip, kogato niakoi se majeshe s plajno mliako, sled kato veche beshe izgorial.

A v ofisa vsichki sam gi nauchila na Cuckoo's Summer (na kukuvo liato), no im otne dosta vreme da proumeyat upotrebata:)

Dara wrote at 12:02pm on April 3rd, 2008
Went the horse into the swimming pool
with awesome, informative picture of a horse in a swimming pool AS SEEN FROM OUTER SPACE!)

Petar wrote at 9:55am on April 1st, 2008
Pussy Shot - Putka Zastrelqna
It's another - Drugo si e
Ge alive and healthy - Da si jiv i zdrav
Penis asleep! - Hui zaspal!
She has blossomed, so that she has tied - Cyfnala ta vyrzala...
Stay cool granny for beauty - Trai, Babo, za hubvost

Archives WHiR Feb 25 - Mar 28, 2008

Petia wrote at 5:20pm on March 28th, 2008
strahotna grupa, merci na vsichki za biserite!!!
smiah se ot sarze! eto i malko ot men:

Smiah v agala na kraglata staia= Rire dans le coin de la chambre ronde= Laughting in the corner of a round room;
Na chujd grab i sto toiagi sa malko= Sur le dos d'autrui même 100 coups c'est peu= On others back even 100 sticks are not enough;

Ti mu govorish to rupa li rupa= Tu lui parles il croque, il croque = You're talking to him, he crunchs, he crunchs
Odi beri djodjen= Va cueillir de la menthe (angliiskata versia ia vidiah niakade)
Da ti e baba Marta na pomosht= Que mami Marta vienne à ta rescousse= grandma Marta helps you
Kato kuche v karuza= Comme un chien dans une calèche= Like a dog in a horse-drown carriage
Guzen negonen biaga= Le honteux court sans raison= (ostaviam po znaeshtite da prevedat:)
Bolen zdrav nosi= Le malade porte le bien portant= The sick one carries the alive...

I dva spezialni dedikaca za frankofonite:
:) Sajalé beaucoup
:) Kon troua passé, moua le hapeshe

Ivo wrote at 12:19pm on March 28th, 2008
Endure, grandma for beauty!
Tray babo za hubost!

Rangel wrote at 11:50am on March 28th, 2008

By power beauty isn't made.
Nasila hubost ne stava.

Dilyan wrote at 12:43pm on March 25th, 2008

Friends are still friends, but cheese is with money
BG: priatelite sa si priateli no sireneto e s pari

Nelly wrote at 7:52am on March 25th, 2008
BG: Tupo parche!
Eng: Dull piece / Obtuse piece

Jennifer wrote at 1:49pm on March 24th, 2008
ken lee!

Ivo wrote at 12:02pm on March 22nd, 2008
On the Lie the legs are short!
Na lazhata krakata sa kasi!

Ivan wrote at 12:15pm on March 20th, 2008
Idva sezona na velikdenskite jajca:
BG: Borec
ENG: Wrestler

Dilyan wrote at 11:37am on March 15th, 2008
BG: Хеи, пич !
EN: Yo, bitch ! ;)
Miroslav wrote at 11:03pm on March 19th, 2008
daje ima i rima 8-)


Mira wrote at 2:08pm on March 12th, 2008
hahahah....poniakoga se chudq kak sme gi izmislili vsichkite tia phrasi.

Dilyan wrote at 10:12am on March 12th, 2008
Stop calfinizing yourself that much
(alt.): Stop imbodyfying yourself that much

BG: стига се втелясва толкова

Anna wrote at 6:33pm on March 10th, 2008
и да има измислени, смятам е крайно време да влязат в обръщение, издъхнах от смях просто.

Бабини ти трънкини
Your grandmother's bushes

Elena wrote at 6:07pm on March 10th, 2008
Кефи ме как хората почват и да си измислят поговорки, само и само да ги преведат :D

Jana wrote at 4:09am on March 10th, 2008
Boli me fara...
My hеad-light hurts...

Lubo wrote at 1:04pm on March 9th, 2008
styd na kutiiki
cold on boxes

Yasen wrote at 8:19am on March 9th, 2008
ка'т гръмнал бойлер в тръстика
like a water-heater exploded in a reed

Rossitsa wrote at 6:52am on March 9th, 2008
Na baba ti hvyr4iloto....
Your grandma's kite

Ivan wrote at 9:34pm on March 8th, 2008
I don't speak German, but last summer I went to Berlin, and got inspired:

English: Thank you! - You are welcome.
German: Danke! - Sie sind willkommen.

Ivan wrote at 9:21pm on March 8th, 2008
Best woman Lisa

Kuma Lisa

Kristian wrote at 5:23am on March 8th, 2008
magare i kosmos - donkey and space :)

Ivan wrote at 6:43pm on March 7th, 2008
Turi mu pepel.

Put him ashes.

Ne moga garata, topuza banjata.

I can't the train station, a rock the bathroom.

Chirchkovite chervenotikvenicheta.

The uncle's red zucchini.

Daniela wrote at 9:47am on March 7th, 2008
Foolishness on wheels!

Глупости на търкалета! :D

Ivan wrote at 4:01pm on March 6th, 2008
Yada yada, hundred umbrellas! ;)

бъра бъра, сто чадъра

Dara wrote at 12:56pm on March 5th, 2008
Don't cork yourself (ne se korkai)
I naopaki:
Ne go poti (don't sweat it)

Daniela wrote at 8:06am on March 5th, 2008
BG: Стига си се излагал.
ENG: Stop exhibiting yourself.

BG: Стани, стани, юнак бслкански!
ENG: Stand up, stand up, mountain superboy.

BG: Тъй ще е тя!
ENG: That's the way she is!

BG: Не се прави на света вода ненапита!
ENG: Don't make yourself like holy water undrunk!

BG: Който се смее последен, се смее най-добре!
ENG: The last one laughing, laughs the best!

Съжалявам ако се повтарят, но не успях да прочета абсолютно всички :)

BG: Срдит Петко празна му торбата.
ENG: Angy Petko Empty bag.

BG: Омитай си парцалите!
ENG: Sweep your rags!

BG: Осъзнай се!
ENG: Realize yourself!

BG: Не се обяснявай много-много, ами сядай да работиш!
ENG: Don't explain yourself much-much but sit to work!

BG: Стегни се!
ENG: Tighten yourself!


Teodor wrote at 5:14am on March 5th, 2008
"new twenty" - novo dvaiset
"nobody shaves me for a plum" - nikoi ne me brasne za sliva

aide, do skoro :)

Lubo wrote at 4:31am on March 4th, 2008
on it's mother Raina
na maina si raina

Ivo wrote at 12:08am on March 1st, 2008
"Gachi malachi e lizalo"
Hayde da vi vidya sega, koy ot vas ingilizite shte go prevede tozi laf...

Ivaylo Piskov (Brown) wrote
at 11:42pm on February 28th, 2008
Mislja che e tolkova dobre kolkoto BG pogovorka na angliiski:

Но ан кен ту кету сивмен
но йон клиз тожу маливе
уен а гез ажу завате налечу моо
ню уонуз тунай мулинай
йон сора шооо
Йес и шооо, ууооуу.
Кен лиййй, тулибуди будаучу
Кен лиййй, тулибуди будаучу
Maria wrote at 10:49am on February 29th, 2008
иначе си има глас жената, да беше изпяла Ederlezi на горан брегович примерно - щеше много добре да се приеме.

Denyo wrote at 9:10am on February 27th, 2008
I was sent for a green spawn :-)
Пратиха ме за зелен хайвер!
(I was sent on a wildgoose chaise - original)


Dilyan wrote at 9:00am on February 27th, 2008
bg: Ne na mene tia vurteli
en: Not to me those spins

bg: Ne na mene tia Vizantiiski nomera
en: Not to me those Byzantine numbers

Dara wrote at 10:26am on February 26th, 2008
Втасахме я! - We leavened it!

Maria wrote at 5:45am on February 26th, 2008
Вапцахме я! - We painted it!

Dara wrote at 8:51am on February 25th, 2008
morning loading - utrinna zariadka
(da ne se burka s morning dump-ing)

Archives WHiR Jan 21 - Feb 24, 2008

Maria wrote at 3:58pm on February 24th, 2008
спортна злоба - sport spite

Denyo wrote at 1:45pm on February 24th, 2008
"Be patient groundmother to be beautiful" :)
"Трай бабо за хубост", може и по-добре, ама е по-смешно така!

"Don't step over the onions"
Не гази лука, респ. сгази лука

"Сети се Мара..." - текна' й :-)
"Mara's head finally got back to its place" или
"Mara found she could think"... "Mara started thinking over the problem delaying a whole decade" :-)

Nikolay wrote at 3:17pm on February 23rd, 2008
early chicken early sings ;-)

Nikolai wrote at 1:38pm on February 18th, 2008
The chief fuck his three daughters!
Еба си вожда трите керки!!!

Adriana wrote at 7:22am on February 18th, 2008
In Cuckoo's summer!
Na kukovo Liato

Hood after the rain.
Sled dajd - kachulka

Old love does not rust
Starata liubov rajda ne hvashta

Grandma Zlata's brother in law
Na baba Zlata shureia

You've polished yourself like a frying pan under the moon
Lasnal si se kato tigan na mesechina

Drunk as a log
Pian kato talpa


Chavdar wrote at 7:08am on February 18th, 2008
May a memorial cast a shadow on you!
Камък сянка да ти пази!

Т'ва е по-скоро в кръга на клетвите, но все пак :)

Matey wrote at 11:58pm on February 17th, 2008
setih se oste edno:

BG: shapka na toiaga
EN: Hat on a stick

at 10:18pm on February 17th, 2008
BG: Toi rasi biseri.
EN: He is dropping pearls :)

BG: Dreme mi na shapkata.
EN: It sleeps on my hat.

Lora wrote at 4:32pm on February 17th, 2008
Wind sways you on a white horse!

Kristina wrote at 3:54pm on February 17th, 2008
BG: Dai mu da razbere!
ENG: Give him to understand!

BG: Da da, ama ne!
EN: Yes, yes, but no!

Dilyan wrote at 11:22am on February 17th, 2008
bg: Babinite ti trunkini!

en: Yours grandmother bushes!

de: Deine Grosmutterbüsche! ;)

fr: Les buissons de ta grand-mère!


Stunji wrote at 10:50am on February 17th, 2008
Hungry Bear boogy-boogy plays.

(Gladna mechka horo igrae...)

Angel wrote at 5:19pm on February 16th, 2008
или пък за:
Да ти набия канчето:
Beet your helmet!

Martin wrote at 11:56am on February 16th, 2008
Hungry Hen dreams seeds.

Curly wrote at 10:40am on February 16th, 2008
Hahahha... "Your grandmother's kite" - "Na baba ti hvurchiloto"..."Your grandmother's buches" - "Babinata titrunkina"..."
Ugly horse, funky horse mobile" - "Na drugliv kon, gizdava karuchka"

Dilyan wrote at 7:42pm on February 15th, 2008
en: Five men are not waiting for Fifthko
bg: petima Petko ne chakat (5-ima 5-ko ne chakat)


John wrote at 11:40am on February 15th, 2008
The thread knows more than the needle.

Please translate.

If this is not a wonderful Bulgarian proverb, it should be!

Boyana wrote at 12:18am on February 15th, 2008
Happy new bath! Честита баня! :))))))))
Hi,HI, gimme cash for pastry! Здрасти, здрасти, дай пари за пасти!
Neither news, nor bone. Ни вест, ни кост.
Who the what does, to himself it does. Кой каквото прави, на себе си го прави.

To cucumber seller cucumbers sells. ...hehehehe
The how much - that much. Колкото - толкова.

Alisa wrote at 7:15am on February 9th, 2008
Да си жив и здрав! - Be alive and healthy! :)

Dimitar wrote at 10:34am on February 8th, 2008
Mdaaa ...! Remove, remove! She became one ..., not to be your work ... :P

Dilyan at 11:40am on February 3rd, 2008
What are you waiting for?! ... The ceiling to fall ?!
bg: Kvo chakash?! Da padne tavana li?!
Dara 5:49pm on February 4th, 2008
do you mean the ceiling of the summer theater?

Magdalena wrote at 10:25am on February 1st, 2008
Браво! И аз се сещам за няколко култови буквални превода.
Боли ме фара/ светофара = My lighthouse/ traffic light hurts!
Как я караш? = How do you drive her?
и още много много...

Gallya at 1:51pm on January 31st, 2008
zdraveite namerih tezi biseri vava edna druga grupa, niakoi gui beshe postval......posmeite se i vie!

Dilyan wrote at 6:15am on January 29th, 2008
For his multi-annual work in the TK3C, Comrade Petrov is awarded the title Hitman of the Labor \

3a HeroBama MHororoguwHa paboma B TK3C-mo, gpyrapRm PempoB e HarpageH c 3BAHNETO YgapHuk Ha Tpyga
[dali puk da ne omBopuM egHa TeMa 3a bulgarskime gyMu HanucaHu Ha LamuHcka a3byka ]

Dara at 10:31am on January 29th, 2008
Dilyane, mai imash predvid
/\amuHcka a3byka :)

tova p4tri0t-l337-sp3ak li se vodi?

Evgeny at 3:11am on January 27th, 2008
Abe hora, znaete li prevoda na izvestnata pesen "Stani stani iunak balkanski"...? lol
Za6toto az li4no go sre6tnah v edno CD taka: "Get up, Get up Balkan Superman" lol!

Zornitza at 5:39am on January 26th, 2008
Pratchett e prosto velik v tova otno6enie! 4udno dali e 4uval za "drasni-zapali-kle4itza" (=kibrit)

Zornitza at 5:32am on January 26th, 2008
:) ne znaq dali nqkoi e pisal za tova, no az imam nqkolko ljubimi:
1. Sing, sing, Penkele, who li mi ti cares.
i 2.Stand up, stand up, Balkan Superman. :)

Dara at 11:08am on January 25th, 2008
Bukvalnite prevodi sa zabavni, dori i ot angliiski na angliiski:

Reflected-sound-of-underground-spirits = economics (Terry Pratchett, The Color of Magic)

Nick wrote at 6:26pm on January 24th, 2008
Veny... "chain dance" triabvashe mi minutka da se setia za horoto. tova e pogovorkata za "cikala".

prodalzhenieto e kakto sledva, "after it eats goes to sleep..., when it wakes up, it's hungry again and… “ here you have it "


Silviya at 2:25pm on January 24th, 2008
Нещо подобно на фразата на Вени: She became one, not to be your business, remove, remove! - Тя стана една, да не ти е работа,

мани-мани! И също така: Stupidity hasn't got borders.

Theo at 1:32pm on January 24th, 2008
малка идиотийка:
Quand tu me chantes Penke-le qui le-moi t'écoute?
Кат ми пееш Пенке-ле кой ли ми те слуша?
(фр.: граматически неправилно, за 'вкус')

Veneta at 9:46am on January 23rd, 2008
Ne znam dali nqkoi veche go e spomenal, no dve ot luybimite mi pogovorki, prevedeni na english sa: 1. Became what she became.

Remove-remove" - Stana tq kakvato stana, mani-mani. Drugata e : "Hungry bear chain dance doesn't play" Gladna mechka horo ne


Roumiana at 2:41pm on January 22nd, 2008
i az go razbrah kato Diliyan i mnogo me izkefi !!!

Dilyan at 11:02am on January 22nd, 2008
Evalata na Maria za tazi directna translacia. az go razbrah kato
bg: ot izvestno vreme, nikoi ne me brusne za sliva
en meaning: nobody listens to what i say ( cares about me) in quite a while
xa ga vidim dali sm poznal ;

Kaloyan at 1:20am on January 22nd, 2008
@Мария Кавлакова - Аз също съм заинтересовам как точно се превежда това (rofl) (rofl)

Vladislav at 11:36pm on January 21st, 2008
When the pattens bloom...

Archives WHiR Jan1to21/08 selected quote: "Like Tushy and panty"

Theo at 6:41pm on January 21st, 2008
@ Maria: kakvo e tova na bg? ne moga da si go preveda... neshto kato "za hubvo vreme nikoi ne me brusne za slivi?'...

Roumiana at 4:16pm on January 21st, 2008
mani mani = remove remove !

Maria 7:56am on January 21st, 2008
From a famous weather noone shaves me for a plum!
Tova e prosto ubiistveno

Anna 11:12am on January 20th, 2008
cheese under cover?
ili kakto kazva Nikolay Vajarov,
kogato e jadosan: What are you making yourself now!!!!!!!!

Lubo at 1:38pm on January 18th, 2008
3. Вероятно лирическият герой е гей, тъй като при толкова самодиви пита "..кажи ми, сестро, де е Караджата". (Из ученическо съчинение за Хаджи Димитър)
06te 130 biser4eta na topic 'podbrani biseri'

Theo 1:19pm on January 18th, 2008
@ Dara : Discussion topic status: done and done! Сторено и сторено!

Dilyan at 12:38pm on January 16th, 2008
така и баба знае - and so does grandma know


Dilyan at 10:25am on January 16th, 2008
Toi "are you from Heaven"
Tia: "i'm from Bulgaria"

napushen kato kirka freestyle translation: high as a digging tool

Dara 9:31am on January 16th, 2008
Theo, imah predvid start new topic na discussion board-a malko po-gore :)
Mislia che sled kato ideiata e tvoia e redno ti da napravish chestta (do the honors).

Theo 1:13am on January 16th, 2008
Hehe... не знам какжо имаш пред вид за нов discussion - нова група ли? Но тогава ще стане по-сложно.... аз оничам просто.

Чисто и просто : Clean & dumb, като току-що къпан полицай...

Dara 1:52pm on January 15th, 2008
Theo --- nice idea, start a discussion topic za da se suberat vsichkite primeri na edno miasto :)
I kak moja da zabravish - Bulgarskiat otbor po Quidditch v Harry Potter and Whatever Sequal It Was

Elitza at 1:42pm on January 15th, 2008
ааа много добри има :)
ето няколко и от мен

Go collect mint - Я оди бери джоджен
Going to bed with the hens - лягам си с кокошките
Plums for garbage - Сливи за смет
Lying down Todorka - Прилегнала е Тодорка

Theo 12:16pm on January 15th, 2008
имам идеа за нова тема, свързана със социално-културнта феноменология на тази група: къде се говори за Българи в световното

кино. имам 2 примера:

Hitchcock, The 39 Steps:
- I can tell a better one than that.
- You couldn't. That was very funny.
- You liked it? Have you heard the one about the young lady of Bulgar?

The Wisdom of Crocodiles (with Jude Law):
- Tell me about your name, Steven. I've never heard anything quite like it.
- It's Bulgarian. Griscz.

Stoyan 9:53pm on January 13th, 2008
Blind bitch, lifts up a mountain.

Todor at 7:40am on January 13th, 2008
Unsightly hunchbacked leper queer.
Педерас грозен гърбав.
Let me put a shit in your mouth.
Да ти тропам в устата.
How are you driving?
Как я караш?
I am driving a wheel.
Карам колело.

John 1:38am on January 12th, 2008
No dumb donkey digs his own grave!

Hristo 5:54am on January 11th, 2008
I will take you away,L like a handicap chicken tomato!
Ще те отнеса ,като куцо пиле домат!

Nina at 2:05pm on January 10th, 2008
you will see if the Horse eats bean?!
Ще видиш ти кон боб яде ли?!
Either the camel or the camel driver!
Я камилата, я камиларят!

Nadia at 1:16pm on January 10th, 2008
I saw his account.
Видех му сметкатаа.

Nina at 8:03am on January 10th, 2008
like tushy and panty!
Като дупе и гащи

at 7:59am on January 10th, 2008
When the shoes flourish!
Когато цъфнат налъмите.

Emil at 6:15am on January 9th, 2008
Upper Nutsville.
Горна Оряховица

Lazar at 4:20am on January 9th, 2008
Every pear has a tail.
Всяка крушка си има опашка.

Plamena at 3:49am on January 8th, 2008
bullshit(nonsense) in circles - глупости на търкалета :)

Theo at 7:05pm on January 7th, 2008
Watcha looking at me for, like a useful deggeable?
Ко ма глйедаш кат полезно изкопаемо?

Maria 11:40am on January 7th, 2008
United company- mountaign lifts!
Sgovorna drujina planina povdiga!
Voila Madame le jour de Spas!
Te ti bulke spasovden

Ivan at 5:31pm on January 6th, 2008
Moje bi povtariam niakogo, no...

Na ti bulke Spasov den!

(na frenski) Voilà madame le jour de Spas!

Vencislav at 1:19am on January 6th, 2008
consider him gone - пиши го бегал :)

Alexander 1:45pm on January 4th, 2008
Haha, rulirate !!!
Sandels has not, pipe wants - Cyrvuli nqma, gaida iska :)

Gallya at 8:04am on January 2nd, 2008
For many years! :)

Yana at 8:22pm on January 1st, 2008
za ta6ak = for a testicle
ta6ak rabota = testicle work
slaba rabota = weak work
sqdam da 4eta = I sit to read
hvurli me v muzikata = you threw me into the music
padnal/a ot Mars = fallen from Mars
vluben/a = in-loved
vre se mejdu 6amarite = slides between the slaps
preeban/a =throughfucked
grozen/na kato smurtta = as ugly as the death
po dqvolite! = on the devils!
bez vina vinovni = without guilt guilty
ni jivi, ni umreli = neither alive or dead
dvama se karat, treti pe4eli = two are arguing, a third wins
po-umniqt otstupva = the smarter steps back
padnah ot smqh = I fell from laughter
da mu se ne vidi = let it its not see
de se e 4ulo i vidqlo = where is it heard and seen
vsqko 4udo za 3 dni = every miracle for 3 days


Yana at 8:01pm on January 1st, 2008
ne na men tiq=not on me those
voenno polojenie=war situatuion
gurne, koeto gledat, skoro ne zavira = a pot which is looked at soon doesnt boil
znam te az tebe = I know you I you
na guza na geografiqta = on the geography's butt
da, 4u6ki! = yes, peppers!
onaq rabota = that work
prez onaq rabota mi e = it's through my that work
sled popa i cqloto selo = after the priest and the whole village
ot ni6to - ne6to = from nothing - something
slivi li ima6e v ustata? = did you have plum in your mouth?
polegnala mi e Todora = Todora laid me
da si pokaja magariqta = to show my donkeyness
ti si sburkan = you are spoilt

hodi na mainata si! = walk on your mother!


Mariie in details - Мара подробната

Dilyan at 1:04pm on January 1st, 2008
For Many Years. Nazdrave

Surva Surva
Joyful Year
Red apple in the garden
Golden crops in the field
Surva Surva,
Up to next year,
up to Amen


Bozhidar at 12:42pm on January 1st, 2008
Бели пари за черни дни.
White money for black days.

Dimiter at 10:07am on January 1st, 2008
Ако някой не го е написал вече:

Your Grandma's bushes.
На баба ти трънката.

Archives WHiR Dec6-31"07 quote: Chase after Michael

Liubomir at 11:18pm on December 30th, 2007
Ето и моите две лепта (ако някой ги е превел, да каже и ще ги сменя)

Go wash yourself - Оди се пери
To touch it naked - Гол да го бараш
Look where you knocked it, and where it cracked - къде го чукаш, къде се пука (има и по-нецензурна версия)

Theo at 2:54am on December 29th, 2007
Хелоу френдс, хиър из май контрибюшън ту йор файн колекшън. Сори фор ени дупликатс.
wedge forces wedge (клин-клин избива)
watch yer work (глей си работата)
God - high; King - far (Бог - високо, Цар - далеко)
daddy brings, Mommy kneads, long live labour (Мама носи, тато меси, да живей труда)
here you go bride, Spas-day (те ти булка Спасов ден)
voilà Madame, jour de Spasse (ла мем шоз ен фансé)

Theo at 2:54am on December 29th, 2007
concerntrate on the little picture (внимавай ф картинката)
like a calf at the railway station (като теле в железница)
tо кnock on wood (да чукам на дърво)
[he] threw the cannon (фърли топа)
[il] a lancé le cannon (фърли топа [fr])
like the dog in the field (като кучето на нивата)
like a pissed-on geranium (като препикано мушкато)
like a hungry on the shitter (кат гладен на сране)
dumb as a galosh (da, dumata sushto se polzva na angl. - see
feed doggy to bark at ya (рани куче да те лае)

Marina at 6:05am on December 28th, 2007
She has become what she has become. - Стана тя каквато стана!

Lyubomir at 6:41am on December 27th, 2007
I ran over the onion. - Zgazih luka.

Dara at 6:48pm on December 23rd, 2007

Lyubomir at 5:20am on December 23rd, 2007
The pear don't fall far from the tree
Крушата не пада далеч от дървото

Which called, such ansewred
Каквото повикало, такова се и обадило

And the wolf statisfied, and the lamb is full
И вълкът сит, и агнето цяло

Vyara at 8:13am on December 22nd, 2007
"На краставичар краставици ще продаваш" - "Selling to the cucumber salesman cucumbers"

Dilyan at 3:18pm on December 21st, 2007
from the best man's shame ;)

bg: от кумова срама

a tova koeto Kallina go spomena za slabata rakiq sigur shte varvi dobre kato soft brandy:

Slaba rakia si ti za mene
Soft brandy are you for me


Lubo at 6:45am on December 20th, 2007
i taz dobra
and shes goood

Kallina at 2:39pm on December 19th, 2007
A kak da obqsnish na chujdenec kakwo se ima predvid pod tova,4e nqkoi/neshto e "slaba rakiq"?! :))

Stefan at 8:16am on December 19th, 2007
Килн клин избива - Edge Edge Outbeats :-p

Dilyan at 8:55am on December 17th, 2007
as much as you turn around,
your arse is still at your behind

(exe, daze i rima se poluchi)

bg: kolkoto i da se vrtish, gzo ti pak che e otzad

Nadya at 2:13pm on December 16th, 2007
Група Инцидент

Vihren at 7:54pm on December 11th, 2007
Днеска преведох едно, много съм добър, ей:
When you ate the meatballs - didn't cry, now you cry, vomit now, your mom - Га яди кифтетата, ни рива, сига ривеш, повръщай, мама ти
Iva at 12:48am on December 12th, 2007

Vihren at 3:32pm on December 11th, 2007
to cuckoo's summer - na kukuvo lqto
at 3:29pm on December 11th, 2007
The grass you walk in, I have shit in it. - Ти в тая трева дето газиш, аз съм срал в нея.
Iva at 7:34pm on December 10th, 2007
i o6te po vulgarno. beating around the bush? biq okolo hrasta.
(up to interpretation kfo se bie)

Iva at 7:31pm on December 10th, 2007
izvinete za prostakizma no s sestroto mudrehme. i tq izmudri sledniq biser. laino se slu4va. nuff said

Ivan at 6:32pm on December 10th, 2007
Literal translation of "Nasila hubost ne stava"

Beauty does not stand up forcedly

at 7:30pm on December 10th, 2007
naprotif. a literal translation is this 'forcedly beauty not happens'. za da e po zabavno. 6ot s pravilniq english grammar se gubi ideqta
Ivan at 8:20am on December 11th, 2007
you are right, but a literal translation of "stava" is "gets up". "happen" would be "se sluchva".
Iva at 1:53pm on December 11th, 2007
true true, even more literal ;]

Martin at 6:56am on December 10th, 2007
Hungry bear refuses to perform a folk dance
Ama na bulgarski tva si zvu4i po-gotino:
Hranitelno nezadovolen edyr bozainik ot planinski tip otkazva da izpylni slojen folkloren element

Dilyan at 4:15pm on December 9th, 2007
Prevent God blind to see -
Pazi Bozhe sliapo da progledne
\polit correct: Prevent God from visually impaired to become visually unchallenged

Forcefully beauty does not occur -
Nasila hubost ne stava


Toy - cry
Trumpled to be returned to you -
tupkano da ti se vrushta

Click Mary on a portrait -
shtrak Mariike na portret

Why like that, Honey
Pour quoi comme ca, Cherie -
Zashto taka be djanam

Vladislav at 4:11am on December 9th, 2007
Happy 8th of december on cruthches! :)

moje i "on patericks" v zavisimost ot subesednika...

Martin at 5:26am on December 8th, 2007
They have left their hands. Оставили са си ръцете.
A happening will happen to you. Ще ти се случи случка.
Look out into the picture. Внимавай в картинката.
Meal wrestling makes. 'Ранътъ пра'и борбътъ.


Dilyan at 1:44pm on December 7th, 2007
Knows two and two hundred but walks five for four and pretends to be three and a half

Znae dve i dvesta ama hodi pet za chetiri i se pravi na tri i polovina


Ivan at 7:25am on December 7th, 2007
My version of of Gluposta ne hodi po gorata:

Stupidity does not hang around in the forest.

Dilyan at 10:49pm on December 6th, 2007
will repair you on a back sling - shte te opravia na zadna prashka
if you fall at me i will tear you - ko mi padnesh shta skusam (shortite)


Lubo at 7:53am on December 6th, 2007
drunk God guards
piqniq i Gospod go pazi

Martin at 5:57am on December 6th, 2007
He neither ate onion nor smelt it. Ни лук ял, ни лук мирисал.
Vsastnost sega se setih 4e gi ima sumati v

Martin at 5:55am on December 6th, 2007
Like unhanged. Като откачен.
Greetings, greetings, gimme cash for pastry! Здрасти, здрасти, дай пари за пасти!

Maria at 2:24am on December 6th, 2007
I razbira se: Meka Maria

Soft Mary!

Maria at 2:16am on December 6th, 2007
Two more...

Gladna kokoshka proso sanuva
The hungry hen dreams of millet

Tarkulnala se tendjerata i si namerila pohlupaka
The pot rolled down and found its lid
Idi goni Mihalya
Chase after Michael

Prati me za zelen haiver
He sent me for green chaviar

Archives Nov21/Dec4 '07 quote: "To knock on a tree!"

Dara at 6:48pm on December 4th, 2007
you don't watch the teeth of a gifted horse
(na harizan kon zubite ne se gledat)
it constitutes a faux pas to inspect the hard ossific appendages in the oral cavity of an Equus caballus in the event that it

was acquired through a goodwill transaction for no pecuniary consideration

Nadya at 3:38pm on December 4th, 2007
Good that I am not ugly, I would kill myself ...
Добре че не съм грозна, убивах са ...

Nadya at 11:39am on December 4th, 2007
To knock on a tree!
Да чукам на дърво!


Nikola at 10:07am on December 4th, 2007
Си ебало капаците/It fucked his caps

Irina at 9:29am on December 4th, 2007
From your mouth - in God's ears.
Ot tvoqta usta-v bojiite ushi.

Lubo at 4:18am on December 4th, 2007
white money for black dayz

Nadya at 5:30pm on December 3rd, 2007
One duck thought, thought and died.
Една патка мислила, мислила и умряла.

Cheap goes out expensive.
Евтиното излиза скъпо.

Maria at 12:03pm on December 3rd, 2007
Garancia - Francia .....Garantee France :)

Miroslav at 11:15pm on December 1st, 2007
Ami tova...."Oh, kotio!!" ?

Svetoslav at 6:54pm on December 1st, 2007
United company-mountain lifting - sgovorna druzhina planina povdiga+ malko preina4eno za blagozvu4ie

Plamena at 9:09am on November 30th, 2007
Blajeni sa wiarwashtite - Blessed are those who have yet not seen
(taka si e po princip na angliiski)

Tatiana at 7:23am on November 30th, 2007
Zdr vsi4ki
Az bih dobavila
The kite of your grandmothe=Le cerf-volant de ta grand mère=Na baba ti hvyrchiloto
Stew with grape=Ragoût au raisin=manja s grozde
Priznavam che ne fr zvuchi po dobre:)


Kiril at 5:19am on November 30th, 2007
" Na gol tumbak, 4ifte pi6tovi"
On naked belly, couple of guns !!

Vihren at 7:42pm on November 29th, 2007
Аа, сетих се още едно: в БГ мпомицче отива на интервю за работа, което е на английски.
Интервюиращият пита: How do you do? Момичето отговаря: I do.

Vihren at 7:39pm on November 29th, 2007
Бисерите продължават и в по-ново време, особено по кабелните ТВ в БГ. Например, преди време гледах документален филм за

антична история и "Roman empire" беше преведено "империята на Роман". В друг филм 'iced tea" беше преведено "чай със

сладолед" по аналогия на айс кафе и айс кола, които в БГ наистина се правят със сладолед. Смех....

Dilyan at 2:46pm on November 29th, 2007
вдъхновен от превода нa “The Heartbreak Kid” (c Ben Stiller) kamo “Xем боли, Xем сърби” ….

“in the same way pains, in the same way itches”
Stefan at 5:00am on November 29th, 2007
по повод "Гладна Мечка Хоро Не Играе" - Starving Ursidae perform no medieval South-East european folkloric choreography.

Dara at 11:14am on November 29th, 2007
Haha, Stefane, iak prevod :)
Samo edin observation: "starving" hich ne e politically correct... may I suggest "nutritionally challenged"


Ivaylo at 8:22pm on November 28th, 2007
can't know - ne moa da znam

Dilyan at 2:19pm on November 27th, 2007
носи душa под нaем … carries a rented soul

Dara at 2:37pm on November 27th, 2007
ili "carries a rented shower"
(az taka go prochetoh, zle sum s udareniata :D)

Milen at 9:19am on November 27th, 2007
From me to pass- От мен да мине

Lubo at 9:23am on November 26th, 2007
eee, pusna me po purzalkata
u dropped me on the sledge

Tsvetelina at 9:17am on November 26th, 2007
Nedei leja na tva y6ence - Don`t lie on that ear
Da se bie6 kato voda v brqg - to be fightinlike water in a shore


Ivaylo at 6:37pm on November 25th, 2007
опа, не видях че предното е вече писано...
тогава друга оферта:
Along Petko with men
Барабар Петко с мъжете!
at 6:28pm on November 25th, 2007
Became she what she became!

Стана тя, кват'стана!

Nadya at 4:27pm on November 25th, 2007
Cheap on the flour, expensive on the bran.
Евтин на брашното, скъп на триците.

Peter at 12:57pm on November 24th, 2007
Branimire, na mene niakak si mi zvu4i po po angliiski
Hungry bear doesn't play bulgarian national folk dance

Peter at 12:54pm on November 24th, 2007
Radka the fireworks
Radka piratka

Georgi at 4:18pm on November 23rd, 2007
Early chicken, early sings! xaxaxa
Рано пиле, рано пее ...
Не го видях до сега постнато

Victor at 3:03pm on November 23rd, 2007
my grandma's kitе
на баба ми фърчилото

Mira at 1:52pm on November 22nd, 2007
Mitko e pe4en!! = Maaaaaan, Mitko is BAKED!!

Ne znam dali ve4e nqkoi go e pisal no probvaite da kajete na nqkoi 4e e "baked" i da mu obqsnite 4e vav va6ta strana tova e


Branimir at 5:20am on November 22nd, 2007
Hungry bear horo doesn't play.
Tva e gladna mechka hore ne igrae!
ili ima i po iako:
Big mammal from the class predators, refuses to complete a folklor element because of a biological discomfort.
Голям бозаиник от разред хищници отказва да изпълни фолклорен елемент заради биологичен дискомфорт

Irina at 7:41pm on November 21st, 2007
I don't shave you for a plum.
Je ne te rase pas pour une prune.
Ne te brusna za sliva

Irina at 7:35pm on November 21st, 2007
The fast bitch breeds them blind.
Burzata kuchka slepi gi rajda.

Archives WHiR Nov14-21/07 Hollow watering pot!

Dilyan at 7:15pm on November 21st, 2007
damn this twisted field with those lousy buffalos


Radostina at 2:49pm on November 21st, 2007
he he, parvata svejarska BG grupa!!! bravo za ideiata ;)
niama nishto po-dosadno ot tova da ti doide niakoi BG laf bash na miasto v razgovora i da ne mojesh da go prevedesh!!!
with your stones on your head (ili v moia slutchai za frensko govoriashtite - avec tes pierres sur ta tête)...s tvoite kamani

po tvoiata glava

Dara at 12:30pm on November 21st, 2007
to stretch the turkish delights - raztiagam lokumi
man under slipper
wedged son-in-law (zavrian zet... moje i inserted son-in-law, i suppose...)

Lyubomir at 6:30am on November 21st, 2007
White money for black days. - Бели пари за черни дни.

Vladislav at 4:21pm on November 20th, 2007
hrani ku4e da te lae spored men trjbva da e- feed dog to bark - taka bi go kazal itso stoi4kov, a az ot tova se vodja ,kato

se pravjat takiva prevodi:)

Vladislav at 4:17pm on November 20th, 2007
laughed the skinny at the toothless haha tova o6te utre 6te go izpolzvam :)

Georgi at 12:59pm on November 20th, 2007
Hrani kuche da te lae -
Feed a dog so it could bark at you

Ot shega deca se rajdat -
Out of a joke - children are born

Georgi at 12:56pm on November 20th, 2007
Otbira kolkoto magare ot kladenchova voda -
Knows as much as a mule about well water

Dilyan at 9:43am on November 20th, 2007
"otide ta se ne vidia"
- it went so it not see itself
- it went to become invisible

"chetat mu se rebrata"
- can read his ribs
- his ribs are readable
- one can count his ribs

присмял се хърбел на щърбел
- laughed the skinny at the toothless


Dara at 9:20am on November 20th, 2007
LOL, hollow watering pot! (priceless...)

Georgi at 8:33am on November 20th, 2007
A nalqvo, a nadqsno, a v gumnoto prqsno - To the left, to the right and then right into the smoking shit :)) Tova moje i da e

komentar na vtorata snimka na grupata kudeto karucarq se e zamislil dali da izleze ot putq ili ne :)

Vladislav at 4:43am on November 20th, 2007
she is a hollow watering pot

Zhivko at 4:30am on November 20th, 2007
big leek

Dilyan at 10:46pm on November 19th, 2007
sing Penke, sing, who listens to you | pei si Penke le, koi li te slusha
dumb as a flip-flop | prost kato galosh
wait grandma for beauty

Peter at 1:49pm on November 19th, 2007
aveee,...Remove Remove,
- Mani, mani


Lubo Mechev at 4:05pm on November 18th, 2007
cold on boxes....

Georgi Marinov at 12:36pm on November 18th, 2007
"Ю пей ми а глоуб нау!"
Ядосана контрольорка иска глоба от чужденец

"-How do you do?
- All right!"
"- Как го правиш?
- Всичко вдясно."
Субтитри на филм

"Не мърдайтесь, не мърдайтесь!Снимка не излезньотся!"
Фотограф към руски туристи на морето

"Еврибари на магари!"
-Думи на собственик на магаре на морето в услуга на чужденците.


Lubo Mechev at 7:22am on November 17th, 2007
eto edin nov biser..pone za men..."otivai na gurlite si" ???? go to your eye secretion

Mda, sopol na horo e po-poetichno. Sorry Lyubo - estetikata pecheli :)
Osven tova, kakvi sa tia hrachki po Mr. Bush? Da ne te posetiat momchetata s cherni ochila....

Nadya at 4:19pm on November 16th, 2007
аааааааааааааааа, сигурно си прав ... аз прочетох lqsa като ляса, което е вид танц, а за харкол намерих, че е нещо зелено и

реших, че е сопол. И ако някой е много отпуснат (като сопол) изглежда зле ако танцува (ляса) ... това ми беше "логиката"

Lubo at 3:41pm on November 16th, 2007
Nadya, ne e tova.. "harkol na lqsa", ozna4ava hra4ka na hrast:))
- This youth is like spit on bush.
(smisul, tolkova neseriozen)

Misho at 2:15pm on November 16th, 2007
Dare, dusho, seriozno si se zaela s taz' grupa ti :)
Mnogo pozdravi ot P. Ruseva, btw!

Nadya at 1:00pm on November 16th, 2007
"Toz mladej e kato harkol na lqsa".

This youngster is like snot dancing 2/4 tact bulgarian folklore dance (lqsa).


Penio at 12:19pm on November 16th, 2007
What about "koi mi sra v gashtite","who took a shit in my pants"

Lubo at 11:53am on November 16th, 2007
dara, imam ne6to s povi6ena trydnost. ako uspee6 da si go prevede6 purvo na norm. bulgarski - i posle na angl, 6te 4erpq do

kraq na jivota si: "Toz mladej e kato harkol na lqsa". a za raina se serih ne6to, ama me e sram da go pi6a:)

Dara at 8:49am on November 16th, 2007
Hmmm... this has potential....
I live on its mother Raina.
Ich wohne auf meine Raina

Lubo at 5:00am on November 16th, 2007
jiveq "na maina si Raina"...any suggestions?

Mariya at 2:20am on November 16th, 2007
Shushu-mushu's house destroying

Shushu-mushu kushta razvalq...

Lubo at 3:06pm on November 15th, 2007
koito noj vadi - sam pada v nego. whoever pulls out a knife - alone falls into it....

Vladislav Panov (Bulgaria) wrote
at 12:21pm on November 15th, 2007
koi ot vas e pil 4ai ot "barkbitch"?!
Dara at 1:12pm on November 15th, 2007
Barkbitch... GENIALNO! :)

kucha laika

Miroslava at 8:21am on November 15th, 2007
Remove,remove! - Мани,мани!

Lubo at 5:46am on November 15th, 2007
Na gol guz - 4ifte pi6tovi - a pair of guns on a naked ass:)))))))
don't stare like a farted pig in se oglejdai kato prudnala svinq v carevica

Dara at 1:45pm on November 14th, 2007

не се коси - don't mow yourself
не се коси - don't hair yourself

Archives Oct 26 /Nov 27/07 Like a pissed off geranium

Dimitrina at 9:51am on November 14th, 2007
на нокти съм...i'm on nails

Ekate at 4:15am on November 14th, 2007
Успокой топката! Tame the ball!

Georgi at 2:23pm on November 10th, 2007
ass road to see - guz put da vidi

Georgi at 12:34pm on November 10th, 2007
Wait horse for green grass
Trai konio za zelena treva:) ili puk When your sabots begin to flower - Kogato ti cufnat nalumite :p obache naistina united

COMPANY mountain lifts e trepach :D

Neno at 4:21am on November 10th, 2007
Ass knows two and two hundred !

Gallya at 10:09am on November 9th, 2007
Like hedgehog in your panties-kato taralej v gashtite

With children to bath, to eat your soap!-s detsa na bania, da ti iziadat sapuna:)

Veselin at 6:37am on November 9th, 2007
became she what she became - стана тя каквато стана

Lyubomir at 5:37am on November 9th, 2007
Angry Peter, empty bag.

Iva at 11:11am on November 8th, 2007
nai qki sa teq 4iito grammar makes no sense at all ;] men me ubi united COMPANY mountain lifts. priceless

Dara at 9:54am on November 8th, 2007
LOL fear grapevine guards... super popadenie.

Iva at 12:22am on November 8th, 2007
water runs over, thirsty goes

kiddy pleasure- piss in bottle
fear grapevine guards

from fly, elephant he/she made
easy is of ready children to be daddy- lesno e na gotovi detsa ba6ta da bude6
neither onion eated,neither onion smelled ;]

Hristo at 5:46am on November 6th, 2007
Не е мое творение, но е класика:
Or the camel, or the cameldriver.
Я камилата, я камиларя.

(c) В. Велков

Elena at 3:20pm on November 4th, 2007
"Like a pissed off geranium"

Тва е велико, макар че не трябва ли да е "pissed over"?

Тва го чух от един авер: Calculate! (Смятай :))

Nadya at 3:10pm on November 3rd, 2007
Може и по-добре, но все пак:

Now you'll see where the hungry men give shits. - Сега ще видиш къде серат гладните.

Many grandmothers, weak baby. - Много баби, хилаво бебе.

Learn, in order not to work. - Учи, за да не работиш.

Did I express myself on one site, or you understood me on the other? - Аз ли криво се изказах, ти ли криво ме разбра?

Because of my lack of attention and her no consideration, the goat hang herself. - Поради мое невнимание и нейно съображение,

козата се обеси.

Like chop in ass. - Като треска в задника.

It cracks on my popcorn. - Пука ми на пуканката.

Dara at 12:31pm on November 2nd, 2007
Konstantine, I think you're missing the point (aka - lipsva ti tochkata). Iasno e che ima saotvetsvasti idiomi koito se

izpolzvat na angliiski, no bukvalnite prevodi sa po-smeshni.

Konstantin at 10:46am on November 2nd, 2007
Vsushtnost "kolkoto tolkova" se prevezda "it is what it is".


Neno at 7:11am on November 2nd, 2007
It`s easy yours!
Lesna e tvoita :)
Neno at 6:54am on November 2nd, 2007
"How much - that much" !
Kolkoto tolkova :)
"If you had been sitting calm, you wouldn`t have seen a miracle" :)
Da bi mirno sedialo ne bi chudo vidialo :)
He turns around like a decapitated fly :)
tova ne go vidqh nikude :)
A multicoloured stick runs through the fileds !:)
Sharena toiaga prez poleto biaga :)
at 6:39am on November 2nd, 2007
"Like a pissed off geranium" - kato prepikano mushkato :)))


Dimitrina at 3:58am on November 2nd, 2007
kak prevejdame "то бива бива ама"?
it should sholud but..?

Zhivko at 4:23pm on October 31st, 2007 kolkoto vidiah tova ne go vidiah;) :
Vurzaha mi tenikiata - they tied me the sheet-metal

Plamena at 8:22pm on October 30th, 2007
How about: "Horse beans eats?"
"kon bop ade li?"
i su6to: "Naked water"
"gola voda"


Dara at 10:43am on October 30th, 2007
A za oste po-bezumni prevodi na menuta i tabeli po sveta i u nas, check out the "Lost in Translation" discussion board

Tsvetelina at 10:09am on October 30th, 2007
Vyv vryzka s bezumnite prevodi v menutata - strangled tongue... bi trqbvalo da ozna4ava zadu6en ezik :-)

Cveta at 8:44am on October 28th, 2007
Komplimenti za syzdatelia na grupata - mnogo originalno!
Vednyj vidiah "my grandma's bushes" za babinite mi trynkini

Lyna at 8:59pm on October 27th, 2007
"sponge soup" vsushnost ne e moi prevod a beshe napisano v menuto na edin restaurant
sponge soup = supa s gubi

it desks me = chini mi se

Venelin at 7:03am on October 26th, 2007
hey ball-boy...

ei mydestia...

Venelin at 7:02am on October 26th, 2007
I am full like a little goose with berries.

Naglyfal sym se kat bibe s dudi.

hah tva beshe kofti...
I will hit you like a snot in a sink.

Shta udara kat cifka u mivka.
I won't even throw my snot for him!

nema si fyrlia i cifkata za negi!

Archives WHiR Sep 22 - Oct 25, 2007 Gulp-carp

Dara at 4:57pm on October 25th, 2007
OK, ne go izmislih az i ne e actually prevod, no e hilarious:
a rotary oscillator-fecal matter interface

Misho at 4:23am on October 25th, 2007
fried black lungs :P

sigurno sum go pisal, ama malko refresh...
Lenka - naistina na kirilica e po-vchepetlitelno
Dare - dai i tiya da gi spomenavame, ne sa za ispuzkane!

Hristo at 2:27am on October 25th, 2007
the position is not pink at all... lets pick up our pears!!!
pancakes with copper - pala4inki s med

da vi e sladko ;)

Elissaveta at 10:49am on October 24th, 2007
Menu v koprivshtenski restorant:
Shoppian's way cheese - sirene po shopski

Marina at 7:36am on October 24th, 2007
ne si spomniam dali sam go pisala, no ne moga da se sdarja:

zapecheni kartofki - constipated potatoes LOL :D


Silvana at 5:00pm on October 23rd, 2007
Ei super! Mnogo gotini prevodi. Tova mai go njama:
A madman on colorful rejoices (Lud na shareno se radva) :-)


Dara at 11:18am on October 23rd, 2007
I conquer myself - prevzemam se.

Btw, Mish, ne neka ne otivame tam! s tezi anglitsizmi napravo otvariash konserva s chervei...

Elena at 4:16pm on October 22nd, 2007
Сори за намесата, ама на кирилица е по-яко :))

Резистенцията е футилна...

За феновете: тва е от Star Trek: First Contact, дето Борг казваха: Resistance is futile..

Misho at 4:02pm on October 22nd, 2007
davam go na revers:
rezistenciyata e futilna!

Yavor at 10:37am on October 18th, 2007
The interest shakes the fez :)

Georgi at 8:34am on October 18th, 2007
remembered mara to touch herself - setila sa mara da sa pobara

Teodor at 5:56pm on October 16th, 2007
"ALL MARA FERMENTED"...Vsi4kata Mara vtasala :)

Gallya at 4:51pm on October 16th, 2007
Namerila nevesta sekira zad vratata= po princip edno vreme iavno tam sa si darjali sekirite:) i nevestata e nova, sirech

mladojhenka i ne poznava kashtata- no izglejhda, che e prosto ochevidno tam da e sekirata i vse edno, nishto novo pod

slanceto- goliamata rabota, neshto ot tozi vid, mi se struva ,che e ili az pone taka si go polzvam:)))

Dara at 8:35am on October 16th, 2007
Galya, tova po bira na fraza li ste e :) Anyway, to get the process going, vupreki che se gubi malko ot poeziata:

semi-slaughtered, semi-skinned (ili moje quasi-slaughtered, quasi-skinned)
Found the bride an axe behind the door (btw, tova kakvo ste reche)


Gallya at 6:40am on October 16th, 2007
Shte cherpia po bira, tozi koito mi prevede-klan nedoklan, dran nedodran ili nameriala nevesta sekira zad vratata-az ne

uspiah do sega da se spravia sas tazi zadacha:)

Georgi at 2:39pm on October 14th, 2007
come chicken to your older brother to sing me sweet sweet - q elate pilenca pri batko da mi peite sladko sladko

Nick at 5:30pm on October 12th, 2007
" Albanski reotan " = " Albanian Electric Hot Plate "


Tanya at 1:42am on October 11th, 2007
hat on a stick
hold my hat

Georgi at 4:32pm on October 10th, 2007
your grandmothers bushes - babini trunkini

Dara at 8:59am on October 9th, 2007
Ivane, predpolagam s imeto na grupata vajen e bil KISS prinziput:
Keep It Simple St00pid
niakoi da ima predlojenia kak da se prevede tazi krilata fraza na BG? Az sum v kreativen eklips.

Ivan at 9:08pm on October 8th, 2007
трябва към името на групата да се добави "барабар с каруцата"- "along with the cart"

Alexandra 5:16pm on October 8th, 2007
Az produljavam da cheta i ustanovih,che moeto predlojenie veche bilo registrirano!Nishto,vse pak tova e edno malko

pripomniane na tazi zlatna fraza!

Alexandra at 4:49pm on October 8th, 2007
Sled kato mototo ni e Went the horse into the river,
dali otdadohme vnimanie na:
Trai,konio,za zelena treva!
Niakoi ima li druga interpretatzia?

Dara at 3:13pm on October 8th, 2007
gulp-carp (lapni-sharan)

Ani at 6:50am on October 8th, 2007
full fool- Пълен глупак!
Fat fool- същото :)))

Ani at 6:48am on October 8th, 2007
a ''rezil'' kak go prewejdate?! :)
Lost Alife
Жив зян!!! :)
circle zero
кръгла нула

Stefan at 7:46pm on October 7th, 2007
United company mountain lifts.
(sgovorna drujina planina povdiga)

Nick at 9:42pm on October 6th, 2007
Pardon... a " Zhiv Zian" ka shte se prevede???

Dara at 7:45pm on October 3rd, 2007
Did we mention this one yet:

Shame and disgrace! (sram i pozor)

Georgi at 12:24pm on October 3rd, 2007
went the horse into the river, too bad for the wagon ;)

Georgi at 12:24pm on October 3rd, 2007
radka piradka - radka the fireworks


Nick at 7:39am on September 24th, 2007
Tie the priest to have a peaceful village

"Varzhi popa da e mirno seloto."

Nick at 6:48pm on September 22nd, 2007
neither in wedge, nor in a sleeve -
ni v klin, ni v rakav

"horny - rogat"...

hahahaha, Ivo..., "horny" is definately not "rogat", unless you talk about "little Richard", or "little Ivo" in that matter.

Archives WHiR Aug 27 - Sep 22, 2007 СКОКОМЪРЛЯК

Nick at 5:42pm on September 22nd, 2007
"Mind presides, mind serves, mind ducks browses."
Vasko tova "Browses" neshto mnogo me napira na smiah... "sheep browser Kalitko"...., tova niakakva noma versina na IE li e?

(v kraga na shegata). By the way the ducks eat, I'd go with "mind supervise duck feeding..." hahaha...


Ivan at 4:33am on September 21st, 2007
...when my pattens blossom

Dara at 1:02pm on September 19th, 2007
Po-vi-she-ni-eeeeee :)

Misho at 12:44pm on September 19th, 2007
ko staa wa!

Dara at 8:51am on September 19th, 2007
Chris, for your enjoyment: see the new discussion board with a compillation of brainless slogans.

Dara at 8:42am on September 19th, 2007
LOL, Vassile, strahotni sveji popadenia. Which reminds me:
From one ravine cornel-cherries
(Edin dol drenki)

Vassil at 1:27am on September 19th, 2007
Open your eyes to four.
I don't see two.
It's bad to me.
World is turning to me.

For a crooked rocket the space is crooked.
Brother brother is not feeding but heavy for whom does not have him.
He's missing his first seven years.
You give it a finger, it bites your hand off.
I'm not a flower for smelling.
Ya becomes, ya not becomes.
Mind presides, mind serves, mind ducks browses.
From the drunk and the crazy runs.
Pissed Petko empty his bag.
He's making his bill without the barkeeper.
Where you bang it, where it cracks.
With one strike - two rabbits.
Under the ox - calf.
She's making from the fly an elephant.
Drunk man, torn sack.
The morning is recognized by the evening.
He washed the towel.
Catch one, hit the other.
He tied up the skates.
Devil to take it.
Ash on your tongue.
Ashame yourself.
It's not a pain for dying.

Nick at 9:16pm on September 18th, 2007
I remember it first hand. and..., yes he was and old men, definitely unaware of the conductors (full or semi). Those were

good years.

Christofer at 5:04pm on September 18th, 2007
"This year plant for semiconductors, next for full conductors" T. Jivkov." Hahah I laughed the hell out of me when my father

told this one to me!! But I rather think it was his lack of knowledge rather then a bad translation ;)

Nick at 12:30pm on September 18th, 2007
"This year plant for semiconductors, next for full conductors" T. Jivkov.

Krilati frazi - wing-y phrases.

Nick at 11:52am on September 18th, 2007
"If you were to sit peaceful, you wouldn't have seen the miracle ..."

"Da be mirno sedialo, ne bi chudo vidialo"...

Dara at 8:16am on September 18th, 2007
Smells like swan spirit - mirishe na umreli lebedi

Tzvetan at 6:29am on September 18th, 2007
Let it be bad for us-
neka ni e zle!

let's pick up the pigeons-

da vdigame gulubite


Lidia at 7:10pm on September 17th, 2007
it is coming to me uphill

idva mi nanagorno

Galina at 1:59pm on September 17th, 2007
pancake with copper ;-)

ot menu na zavedenie. Dano sa vi zdravi plombite :-)

Marina at 8:14am on September 17th, 2007
be careful in the little picture ;-) ('vnimavai v kartinkata'!)

Nikolay at 12:07am on September 13th, 2007
Your grannys bushes....babinata ti trankina

Silvia at 5:48pm on September 8th, 2007
Salad of shops (iz prevod na menu v edin restorant) ... salata ot shopi ili ot magazini, koi znae

Stefan at 10:57am on September 7th, 2007
tezi anglichani imat mnogo interesen nachin na mislene
eto britanskiya ekvivalent na "na star krastavichar - krastavitsi"

"don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs"
nyakoi ako ima predstava ot kyde im e doshyl na um tozi izraz molya da vnese malko prosvetlenie ;)

Stefan at 10:48am on September 7th, 2007
a babe-in-arms

bebe po oryjie ;)

Stefan at 10:42am on September 7th, 2007
Misho, mnogo se razmnojila grupata ;) samo taka!

i az da kaja nyakoya glupost:
to play hard to get
igraya tvyrd za hvashtane

Miroslav at 9:51pm on September 5th, 2007
A: How you doing? ( Kak go pravish?)
B: All right! ( Samo s dqsnata!)

Miroslav at 9:44pm on September 5th, 2007
razkaza mi se igrata - retold myself the game

Misho at 5:11am on September 4th, 2007
Oooo, George, welcome :)
i na drugite 10 sushto :P

Velina at 5:02pm on September 2nd, 2007
Na krastavi4ar krastavici shte prodavash:

To a seller of cucumbers you will sell cucumbers:)

Haha mn qko

Velina at 4:53pm on September 2nd, 2007
Gladna me4ka horo ne igrae -->

A hungry bear doesn't dance horo

Luboslava at 10:49am on September 1st, 2007
Bravo na tozi, kojto go e izmislil tova!

Upper Tracian Lowlander. Горнотракиец

George at 8:43pm on August 31st, 2007
1,000, Yes! :)


Luboslava at 4:39pm on August 31st, 2007
на есен с песен - on autumn with song

Misho at 3:25pm on August 31st, 2007
999 :P
tova e dyavolsko naopaki!

(dyavol na magare - devil on a donkey)

Marina at 5:50am on August 31st, 2007
Мисля че случая със "Запечен бански старец" е:
"Constipated old man from Bansko":)))

Filip at 4:17am on August 31st, 2007
These red tomatoes, how does mama shake it shake it!!!
tez 4erveni domati, kak gi mama razkati!!!

Aleksandar at 2:02pm on August 28th, 2007
"zhiv i zdrav" - alive and healthy
"say it health" - kazhi mu zdrave

Aleksandar at 2:00pm on August 28th, 2007
Predlozhenia za "skochibra/skochubra"?

Yoana at 11:19am on August 28th, 2007
Stana tya edna -- Became she one!

Dara at 9:21am on August 28th, 2007
Sasho, to take it to the next level:

A hypoglycemic Ursus arctos does not engage in ethno-cultural terpsichorean activities

Aleksandar at 2:18pm on August 27th, 2007
An animal in a particular physiological condition refuses to persorm a folklore element.

A retired person is withstanding great pains for the purpose of beautification.( if such a word exists)

Yoana at 11:07am on August 27th, 2007
СКОКОМЪРЛЯК mi go prevedi na bylgarski pyrvo!!! :))

Archives WHiR July 12 - Aug 27, 2007 СКОКОМЪРЛЯК 2

Yoana at 11:06am on August 27th, 2007
"Grilled old man from Bansko"
Английски превод в меню - запечен Бански старец

Nikolay at 12:54pm on August 22nd, 2007
milsya che "drive to walk" e po-spoluchlivo :)

Milena at 10:42am on August 21st, 2007
Бисер от меню в ресторант: constipated potatoes = запечени картофи :-D

Dara at 8:33am on August 21st, 2007
Tova duma li e? Ami ste se probvam:
gamboling grime generator?
ili auf Deutsch:
Sprungender Schweinereischöpfer

Hristo at 7:52am on August 21st, 2007
Моля, някой да преведе думата СКОКОМЪРЛЯК на английски!

Hristo at 7:47am on August 21st, 2007
Тая кака мамата си трака
This sis rattles her momma

Katia at 10:59am on August 20th, 2007
the quick bitch bears blind puppies.
barzata ku4ka, slepi gi rajda.

Beatriche at 6:39pm on August 19th, 2007
Shapka na toqga
Hat on a stick

Nick at 1:02pm on August 19th, 2007
fahren Sie zu gehen = карай да върви :)

Eli at 9:57am on August 18th, 2007
на немски: es klappert sich die Mutter = мамата си трака

Gergana at 6:54am on August 18th, 2007
Тъпо Парче - Stupid Piece

Kamen at 12:47pm on August 14th, 2007
заповядайте! = order me

карай да върви = drive to go


Elina at 9:05am on August 13th, 2007
Haha! Tva e super zabavna grupa.

Became she what she became.


Nik at 9:55am on August 12th, 2007
Hold on earth, shop is stepping on you!
Дръж се земьо, шоп те гази!

Ivo at 12:22pm on August 10th, 2007
horny - rogat

Yordan at 8:39am on August 4th, 2007
Haha, za buzik v kushti se prevedoh niakoi pogovorki an chakaite da gi sloja tuk, o6te sum otgvraten ot taia

manja s grozde, deto se angliiski zvuchat smeshno - na nemski - otvratitelno!!!

Ivo at 7:53pm on August 2nd, 2007
The best looking whistle gets up from a young willow.

Nay-hubavata svirka stava ot mlada varba.
(revised narodna madrost)

Lyudmil at 2:21pm on August 2nd, 2007
Каквото почукало, такова се обадило.
What "fucked", such answered.

Сговорна дружина, планина повдига.
United Company, Mountain lifts up.

Пуцай куме, пуцай ние сме двама.
Shoot bestman, Shoot we are two.

Dara at 3:05am on July 27th, 2007
the falcon is drinking, bulyo. heh. genialno.

Hristina at 11:46am on July 26th, 2007
Koj mozhe da razpoznae tezi "Vechni Bylgarski Pesni", ama da ne gledate otgovorite.

1. Rufinka is taken ill
2. I say, Maro
3. Biliana had writening linen
4. Awry Sadovsko horo
5. The lambkin bleats
6. Jump to your feet, kalinke
7. A turtle-dove coos in dark recesses
8. Herb (daychovo horo)
9. Day breaks, aunt
10. Hey, Djore--boy is sitting
11. Dimitar is drawing a vessel
12. Hey, the falcon is drinking
13. Grace mountain ash is creepering
14. It is our pride


1. Rufinka bolna legnala
2. Mari, Maro
3. Bilyana platno beleshe
4. Krivo Sadovsko Horo
5. Zableyalo e agynce
6. Ripni, Kalinke
7. Gugutka guka v usoi
8. Bilka (Daychovo Horo)
9. Symna, bulyo
10. Sednalo e Djore Dos
11. Dimitar kara gemia
12. More, sokol pie
13. Stroina se kalina vie
14. Nasha gordost

Ted at 3:58pm on July 25th, 2007
gorno nanadolnishte...kef

Dara at 1:56pm on July 24th, 2007
Che palestinskiat doktor kakva rabota ima na bulgarska zemia?
Friendship is friendship, but if you want the cheese, cough up the dough (v smisal che sireneto e s pari...culinarni idiomi?


Misho at 10:14am on July 24th, 2007
Nashite izstradali medicinski sestri, doktorut ni, kakto i palestinskiya doktor, veche sa safe na BG zemya! :)

Misho at 1:41am on July 24th, 2007
Eee, Dare, izprevarila si me s blaseto :)

Ivo at 12:10am on July 23rd, 2007
Legs like Kerpichan kirbies.
Kraka kat kerpichanski krastastavitsi.
(zabelezhete aliteratsiyata v bulgarskiya)

Dara at 4:39am on July 22nd, 2007
Plamena, come on... gorno nanadolniste!
are you qualified to be in this group? ;)

btw, Miro... kasha = porridge, obache tvoia prevod e po-funny. a tuk e vajen komichniat effekt, ne literaturnata tochnost

Miroslav at 4:03pm on July 21st, 2007
Dara - haha, you got me! chudihme se kak se prevejda "kasha" i tova izmislihme!

cheren vlak se kompozira....a black choo-choo train is composing... ;-)

Plamena at 3:28am on July 21st, 2007
как се превежда upper downhill на български?
ei:) chuwali li ste?
Blessed are those who have not seen,yet believe - blajeni sa wiarwashtite
Miro, s tvoia prevod iskash da kajesh che
pregorialata krem-supa e gadna?
Btw, kato stana duma za duhane, na nemski glagolut e "blasen"
Ottam sigurno idva izsrazut: "Blase mu"

Dimitar at 10:27pm on July 20th, 2007
are zivi zdrai demek alive and healthy ili vivant et en bonne santé

Miroslav at 3:35pm on July 19th, 2007
paren kasha duha - burned cream soup blows

Hristo at 1:31pm on July 18th, 2007
Vagina Hipnotica - Путка заспала

Ivo at 5:42pm on July 17th, 2007
Na lazhata krakata sa kasi.
On the lie the legs are short.

Iba mu maykata!

1) He/she fucked his mom.
2) He/she shot him.
3) He/she beat him up.
4) He/she embarrassed him.
5) He/she destroyed it.
6) He/she made love to him.

Nik at 1:24am on July 13th, 2007
Ima i drug variant. Moiata tyshta s neinia angliiski kazva: "moiat son-in-love...". Tukashnite kato ia chuiat si umirat ot


Dara: LOLz! Genialno

Elissaveta at 4:33am on July 12th, 2007
Haha, a kakvo shte kajesh za bother-in-law - sigurna sum, che vseki si ima po edin/edna, lol.

Archives WHiR June 7 - July 9, 2007

Dara at 6:47am on July 9th, 2007
brother-in-law - brother-in-lawlessness (shuro-badjanastina)
English is so unimaginative *yawn*

Anton at 3:43am on July 8th, 2007
Според Уикипедия и Shat и Shitted са правилни и използването им зависи само от благозвучието на изречението ... хехех колко

интересно ... благозвучно изречение с думата сера :)

В духа на подчиняването и послоняването : Да го подкупиш = To UnderBuy Him :)

Milen at 6:35am on July 7th, 2007
Но темата беше правилната трактовка на "осрах се", а не гето граматика.
Затова поуствам една любима моя класика - нарича се Bilingual раздяла:

I don’t care какво ще се случи.
I don’t mind, ако имаш си друг.
May be с него пък да се получи,
so you go, без задръжки оттук.

Аз съм confident, I will get cure -
друга definetly I will find,
дето мен ще обича, be sure.
Ще е gentle, sincere and kind…

А на теб, нека само туй кажа:
I don’t blame you that you want to flee.
Събери си спокойно багажа
and be happy - I'm setting you free.

Milen at 6:35am on July 7th, 2007
Такааа, за да продължим дискусията за мин.време на популярния глагол 'shit' (Антоне, чети внимателно),
на English:
to shit - shit, shitted, shat or shitten - has shit, shitted, shat or shitten

и на немски:
zu scheißen - schiss - hat geschissen

на норвежки:
å skite - skeit - har skite/skete

В заключение, аз съм прав за I shat..., ти си прав за I shit и в крайна сметка можем да си го спрягаме както искаме.

Misho at 2:25pm on July 6th, 2007
Tova e malko kato...
to underElephant someone

da go podslonish :)

Emil at 8:59am on July 6th, 2007
A kak si prevejdate hubavia angliiski glagol "To Underdesk someone"???

Prosto: "Da go pod4inish":P

Ivo at 10:21am on July 5th, 2007
Kakvito detsa si napravish,
Whatever kids you make,

Dara at 4:53pm on July 4th, 2007
Predlojenie za prevod kum diskusiata po-dolu po povod osiraneto (Georgi / Milen / Anton):

I beshat (beshitted) myself.

1. Konstukziata e vzaimstvana ot "bespectacled", adjective za nosest ochila s passive connotation
2. Koi e kazal che traibva da e real verb :)
3. "shit" se spriaga i kato "shit" i kato "shat" v past simple

Gergana at 10:12am on July 4th, 2007
Ot trun, ta na glog - From dogwood to hawthorn;
I taz dobra - And she/her good;
Stana tq kakvato stana - And she became what she became (tova e nai-dobroto);
Te ti bulka, Spasov den - Here you are Bride, Space day;
Skrita Limonka - Hidden Lemon!

Misho at 12:17pm on June 29th, 2007
Bryah, verno!
Dare, ama tvoi red da se vdignesh da me navestish! Dre si e doshul, Slav shte cufne sled nyakoya i druga sedmica...


Dara at 5:40pm on June 28th, 2007
Trogatelna kompania - moving company
//guess what I am doing now
/// mish! Chestiti 900! Kato stanat 1,000 ste cherpish!

Misho at 2:33pm on June 28th, 2007
lenka - i az gi zabravih :P

Elena at 6:17am on June 28th, 2007
Ако ти стиска - If it squeezes you

Мишка, забраих другите...

Anton at 10:10pm on June 27th, 2007
Милене не мисля, че shit е неправилен глагол :) По-скоро превода е I shitted on myself - за да запазим все пак побългарения

вид на метафорите.

Todor at 8:20am on June 26th, 2007
(sega shte vidish) kon bob yade li! - (now you'll see) if a horse eats beans.

Edin priyatel (Bog da go prosti) kazvashe - si ebalo mishka uhoto - fucked a mouse its ear (a mouse fucked its ear). Prevod

na normalen BG - ebalo si e maikata!

Georgi at 5:21am on June 26th, 2007
ok, 4estno kazano se "osrah" s tozi prevod ;)

Milen at 4:59am on June 26th, 2007
smiatam, che po-tochnia predov na ´osrah se` ne e ´I shit myself`, zashtoto osrah se ne znachi 'nasrah se', koeto oznachava

che subekta e napravil greshka, a po-skoro ima predvid che nechistotiata e povsemestna, toest subekta e otvsiakyde obgraden

ot problemi.
Edin bukvalen prevod bi bil 'I shat all over myself', no po-tochnia e 'I´m in the big poopoo' ili po-severnoamerikanskoto

'I´m up to my neck in horse shit'

Georgi at 3:51pm on June 25th, 2007
карай да върви (израз, използван от лиричния герой при осъзнаване на безсилието да се справи с възникналите обстоятелства и

впоследствие - неговата незаинтересованост от въпросните обстоятелства) - drive to go!

Georgi at 2:06pm on June 25th, 2007
gadjeto mi dobavq dva izraza zado4no:
osrah se! (vuzklicanie ot subekt, dopusnal seriozna i/ili glupava gre6ka) - I shit myself.
izsrah se na metenoto(metafora, izrazqva6ta bitova podigravka s 4ujdiq trud) - I took a shit on the swept.

Georgi at 1:54pm on June 25th, 2007
ebalo si e kapacite (po tozi na4in moi priqtel zagatva cqlostna neudovletvorenost ot jivota) - it's fucked its lids.
toq hui da ne sum go sqkul ot topolite (delikaten namek za lipsa na sexualno jelanie, razprostranen v severozapadna Bulgariq)

- did I have chopped this dick from the poplars?

Nik at 9:28am on June 21st, 2007
malko izvyn temata no mnogo mi haresa:

Dvuezichen nadpis na opakovka ot zapalka:

"Cigarette lighter/Cigarette plus légère"

Nik at 9:18am on June 21st, 2007
i edin biser ot menu v restoranta:

Fried eggs on eyes !

Nik at 9:14am on June 21st, 2007
Oshte niakolko:
If you quiet sat, would not wonder seen: Da be mirno sedialo, ne bi chudo vidialo
Ill healthy carries: Bolen sdrav nosi
Fast job - shame for master
Our village ball not seen - when seen, got nuts and kicked it to other village:
Nashe selo - topka ne videlo, ga videlo - puludelo ta ia ritnalo u drugo selo.

I edna kombinacia s frenski:
Kato mi peesh Penke le, qui li mi t'écoute

Ivo at 7:44am on June 20th, 2007
Куче влачи - диря няма: Dog hauls, tracks gone!

Todor at 8:35pm on June 18th, 2007
ot kol i vuje - from pole and rope
kachulka sled dujd - hood after rain

Zori at 5:54pm on June 18th, 2007
existential alcoholism=bitov alkoholizum

Todor at 4:42pm on June 18th, 2007
Na bab ti hvurchiloto - your grandmother's kite
da ne sum mou svetil - I haven't held the light for him
bil sum se bil napil i sum se bil bil - ....................?!?!
koi ti e kriv, che - who is crooked for you that...

Ivo at 2:33pm on June 18th, 2007
From ass pulled out. -Ot gaz izvadeno.
For whoever doesn't see bottom, may he never see the sun. -Koy ne vidi dantse, da ne vidi slantse.
Big master on big counter works! -Golem maystor na golem tezgyah raboti!

Yavor at 5:45am on June 18th, 2007
We'll see who's the groom's best man, who's an invited relative, and who's the bride's brother!
Ще видим кой кум, кой сват и кой на булката брат!

Zornitsa at 9:39pm on June 17th, 2007
a wedge a wedge strikes out- klin klin izbiva

Enio at 3:03pm on June 17th, 2007
Where are you going, maybe? - gaco bacov:p
Stand to look - stoj ta gledaj

Vladi at 7:34am on June 14th, 2007
shte iziadesh shamara - you'll eat the slap :)

Jozsef at 10:43am on June 12th, 2007
Трай бабо за хубост - Stay cool granny for beauty

Stani, stani iunak balkanski - Stand up, stand up Balkan superhero

Babina ti trunkina - Your grandmother's bushes

Da si vdigame chukalata - Lets rise our hammers

Sgovorna drujina planina povdiga - United team rises a mountain

Sgazi luka - Ran over the onion

at 10:24am on June 12th, 2007
Stana tia edna, mani mani
Became she one. remove, remove

Ani at 6:19am on June 12th, 2007
not to be your work - да не ти е работа
praise I'm making to you - евалата ти прайм


Misho at 8:44pm on June 9th, 2007
wahahaha, mangoe's :P

on a handsome donkey - and a crooked saddle him runs
na hubavo magare - i kriv samar mu ticha


Dara at 10:13am on June 7th, 2007
LOL, big leek, hehe....
ste produlja fruit-greenhammer tematikata:
- grin like a turnip (hili se kato riapa)
- up on the cherry tree (na chereshata)
- blunt like rubber (tup kato gion - kauchukovoto durvo being the veggie in question)
- mangoes' work (tsignaska rabota)

Alex at 2:28am on June 7th, 2007
Big leek - golyam praz!
Turnip to eat-ryapa da yade!