Friday, May 16, 2008

Archives WHiR May 14 - June 6, 2007

Damyan at 11:19pm on June 6th, 2007
If it going to be a crow, let it be a tousled crow
Като ще е гарга, да е рошава.

Alex at 2:03am on June 5th, 2007
Ass head erases is a classic here in Dubai ;-)

Nevena at 10:28pm on June 4th, 2007
Eto nyakolko i ot men:

Lord two hands to me bestowed to drive into my own behind.
Господ две ръце ми даде, да си ги завра отзаде.

Butt head erases. Гъз глава затрива.

As if captured from the woods. Като хванат от гората.

Has finished her with his feet. Свършил я е с краката си.

They have left their hands. Оставили са си ръцете.

Thousands of graces! Хиляди благодарности!

Happy new bath! Честита баня!

Plain as beans. Просто като фасул.

Who the what does, to himself it does. Кой каквото прави, на себе си го прави.

Once when you have caught yourself on the dance... Веднъж като си се хванал на хорото...

Greetings, greetings, gimme cash for pastry! Здрасти, здрасти, дай пари за пасти!


Misho at 3:23pm on June 4th, 2007
Hmmm... setih se za oshte edin interesen fenomen. Ne samo v BG (evidence -

V menu v BG restorant:
"Chicken's black lungs on grill"
"Grilled old man from Bansko"

Lele, gorkite anglogovoryashti chujdenci... Kakvo li si mislyat za nas?

Dara at 8:47pm on May 31st, 2007
Arose what she arose

//hehe, double entendres...

Elena at 5:12pm on May 31st, 2007
a kakwo 6te kajete za ... hungry bear does not buggy buggy.. sami 6te se setite kakwo zna4i.. tozi genialen prewod e patent

na priqteli mi e .. =)

Stefan at 4:13pm on May 31st, 2007
sushto go ima vuv variant "she became what she became"

Irina at 8:38am on May 30th, 2007
V tyrsene na nai-blizkiqt prevod se sblyskah s repliki ot vida: Happened she what she has happened. I syshto: "Shi did what

shi has done". Tova razbira se e "Stana tq kakvato stana".

Savina at 7:31am on May 30th, 2007
mejdu drugoto - between the else

Dara at 4:56pm on May 29th, 2007
Mish, na angliiski trudno:
I had drunk myself (if only drink was a reflexive verb....)
za smetka na tova - Alle guten Dingen sind Deutsch:
Ich wuerde mich besoffen haben


Miroslav at 2:36pm on May 29th, 2007
Oh, you large, carnivorous, black-striped feline, Panthera tigrisa of Asia,
do you have any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits in your posession?

Vladi at 1:10pm on May 29th, 2007
nice one roska

Rosen at 11:32am on May 29th, 2007
I na velikoto be!

VILLAGE NUMBERS! selski nomera...

Misho at 10:44am on May 29th, 2007
Opletoh se iz vremenata...
Haide daite mi edna ruka :)

Bil sum se bil napil.

Velina at 7:48pm on May 28th, 2007
Ograni4en kato pukanka - limited as a popcorn :o)

Vladi at 4:58am on May 27th, 2007
na baba ti hvarchiloto - ur grandma's kite

George at 8:52am on May 26th, 2007
"Low over the poplars" - Nisko nad topolite

Nikolay at 7:06am on May 26th, 2007
Dreme mi na kura - It naps on my dick
Stana tia kakvato stana - Became she what she became


Vladi at 2:31pm on May 25th, 2007
gore, gore na chereshata - up, up on the cherry tree

ne mirisano tsvete - not smelled flower

timno kato v mechi guz - dark like inside a bear's ass

hvani me za migachite - get me by the indicators

razgovor na 4 ochi - conversation on 4 eyes

Slavina, may I suggest:
"at every 0.62 miles"
//that is all....

Vladi at 1:29pm on May 25th, 2007
hvanala se na rabota tsarskata dashteria - got job king's princess
ei parcal - hey cloth

bii baraban - drum the drum

tup kato kuha leika - stupid like a hollow watering can

na moreto dupka - a whole in the sea

otverka - svaliai gashti za proverka - screwdriver - drop your pants for a check

leji, pushka i jabi trushka - lieing, breathing hard and tossing frogs

shte te smachkam (ot boi) - ill crush you

ne si prozrachen - you're not see-through

molia? kokoshki ne kolia! - what? chickens i dont slaughter

kosata mi e kato ritana zelka - my hair is like a kicked cabagge


Slavina at 9:07am on May 25th, 2007
до дупка - until a hole (is made)
на белия свят- in the white world (sounds kinda racist tho)
на всеки километър - at every km

Misho at 7:00am on May 25th, 2007
Heheeee, kvoliti!

Dara at 9:55am on May 24th, 2007
Takaaa, ziala sedmiza no vest, no post po stenata, da ne e presuhnal izvorut na narodna mudrost? I think not!
Anyway, da zaturkaliam topkata (get the ball rolling) s psevdo-intelektualni prevodi na klasicheski chalga zaglavia:
Lithic formations are experiencing uniform acceleration, uniform acceleration with a downward trajectory initiated in the

stratosphere (kamunite padat...)


Anton at 10:13pm on May 16th, 2007
ако някой се интересува от Българска История.. моля да заповяда..

Latchezar at 5:09am on May 16th, 2007
I dva bisera ot edna nebezizvestna uchitelka po geografiya:

Using da coorrrdinative system also can be exprrrressed da height [heit] of da rrrelief forrrrm.

Sashto taka: Lachezarrre (sic), come to da bwackboarrrd and drrraw da skheme.

Latchezar at 4:58am on May 16th, 2007

The dog barks according to the stick - kucheto lae spored toyagata

Latchezar at 4:55am on May 16th, 2007
Kakto i

To bad dog, bad stick - Na zlo kuche, zla toyaga

Da ne zabravyame klasicheskoto:

Greedy ass blood shits - Lakom gaz krav sere

Desislava at 4:43pm on May 15th, 2007
Dano da ne povtariam i az niakoi:

Hungy bear doesn't play boogie-woogie Gladnata mechka deto ne igraela horo

Angy Petko empty bag
Surditko Petko prazna mu torbata

This is missis Spas's day
Te ti bulka spasov den :)

Nasko at 4:36am on May 15th, 2007
I az imam nqkolko:

1. Stop looking during the window. - Престанете да гледате през прозореца

2. Tighten yourself! - Стегни се.

3. Drive to go! - Карай да върви

4. Realize yourself - Осъзнай се

5. Now I'll ajar you - Сега ще те открехна

6. She, the ours, has seen herself - Тя нашата се е видяла...

7. She became what she became. Remove, remove! - Стана тя каквато стана. Мани, Мани!

8. Ass knows two and two hundred - Гъз знае две и двеста

9. Where are you loosing yourself? - Къде се губиш?

10. Stupid like a corner - Тъп като ръб

11. Are you making yourself to me something? - Ти правиш ли ми се нешто?

Za o6te:

Dara at 9:54pm on May 14th, 2007
v tozi red na misli:
I illuminated his butter

Miroslav at 3:20pm on May 14th, 2007
I saw his bill (vidqh mu smetkata)

Misho at 1:33pm on May 14th, 2007
Ne gi prevejdam :)
Prevodite sa avtentichni ot oblojkata!

Misho at 12:06pm on May 14th, 2007
19. Grada se gradi, Stanyo lyo - Hey Stana, A Town Is Under Construction
20. Zelen se oreh razviva - A Green Walnut-Tree is Coming Into Leaf
21. Zvezdo lyo, Vechernice - Hey You, Star, You Evening Star

Misho at 12:05pm on May 14th, 2007
CD na Trio Zornica (prevodite sa avtentichni):

1. Stanko le, mori hubava - Hey you, Pretty Stanka
2. Planinec hodi - A Tractor Driver is Walking
3. Otdolu idat shareni kolca - Motley Wheels are Coming from Below
4. Dushtertso moya, maichina - Hey You, Mother's Daughter
5. Ogryalo mi yasno slunce - A Bright Sun Shone On
6. Zagukala e gulabka - Female Pigeon Began Crooning
7. Pak podi, male - Go Again, Mother
8. Izkara Dimo jutvari - Dimo Brought Out Harvesters
9. Da znaya, mamo, da znaya - If I Knew, Mum, If I Knew
10. Provikna se moma rusa - A Blond Lass Cried Out
11. Dyado delba deleshe - An Old Man Was Partitioning Shares
12. Mur Todorke muninka - I Say, Little Todorka
13. Doyne, byala Doyne - Hey You, Doina, You White Doina
14. Muri Todoro - I Say, Todora
15. Sednala mi e Mariika - Mariika Seated Herself
16. Mome le muri, muninka - Hey You Lass, You Little Lass
17. Gergina cufti, ne vehne - A Dahlia Blooms, And Doesn't Fade
18. Petlite peyat - Cocks Are Crowing

Dara at 9:35am on May 14th, 2007
Indeed, Mish, ne grupa ami napravo grupiste :)
Az da sopdelia i niakoi misli za Biznes Inglish 101 (dvuposochen):
- their underpayment can't match my underperformance (oni ne mo'at da mi plastat tolkoz malko, kolkoto malko ia moem da

- brane na gnidi (nit-picking)
- let's touch base (ha na bas)
- bivolska tor (bullsh*t)
- it screamed me (pisna mi)

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